There was a time when the mere mention of the word divorce used to scare the living daylight out of me. I was leading a wonderful married life. I had a good understanding with my husband and we were going strong. I never thought that I would ever have to face the demon of divorce in my life. But then God has planned something else for me. One fine day my husband walked up to me and said that he wants divorce as he feels that there is nothing left in the marriage. I was shocked to hear this. The next few days passed and the only thing I did was cry. Then I realized that there is no point crying. I talked with my husband and tried to convince him to change his mind. All he said was that he doesn't feel the same way for our marriage now as he used to feel a year back. He told me that he has made up his mind and it would be better if I do the same.

I started my preparation for divorce and read all the information about divorce on www.edivorceadvice.com and asked my husband to opt for a collaborative divorce. He was okay with idea as it this was the best way to get out of the nuptial bond. We sorted out all the issues related to finance and property division. For child custody, both of us agreed on joint legal custody of the child as this was best for the kid's future. We both hired lawyers who had experience in collaborative divorce. Got all the papers done in no time and then filed the divorce papers in the court. I got my divorce done in less than 30 days and in a month's span I was a single mother.

After my divorce I sat down to think what went wrong that wrecked my marriage. To my surprise, I discovered that there were several reasons which I ignored completely when I was married. We both were employed and worked for long hours. This brought distance between me and my ex husband. We spend very less time together and the time we shared, we only talked about work and other things but never about our family. We were so busy in our individual lives that love took a back seat and it destroyed our marriage.

My advice for a happy marriage is to give your marriage a top priority no matter what happens. For humans to survive we have to work, but it should not come in between our relationships. I took an oath to change this and now things are going great in my life. I met a wonderful person and we got married after 6 months of dating. Its been 1 year to our marriage and we going strong. We spend a lot of time together and never allowed love to take a back seat. If you are a married working women then I will advise you to keep your marriage on top and give ample time to your life partner.  

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    Hello, My name is Bella Park. I am a freelancer writer; I have written different articles for different topics like Divorce and Family Law,divorce papers,men and women relationship, Divorce orders, divorce forms, divorce laws etc.


    June 2012
    May 2012
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    International Divorce
    Marriage And Divorce
    Parent Divorce
    Uncontested Divorce